B o o k s


The Deacon’s Ministry of the Word
Table Talk [A]
Table Talk [B]
Table Talk [C]
“Heaven Is Like . . . ”


The Deacon's Ministry of the Word

by Jay Cormier

The Deacon's Ministry of the Word offers both scriptural and theological resources, as well as strategies and approaches, for effectively communicating the word of God. The book focuses primarily on the homily—but the ideas and skills can be readily applied by deacons in any presentation in which the word of God is central including RCIA meetings and retreat conferences.

Jay Cormier, D.Min., is editor of Connections, a monthly newsletter of ideas and resources for homilists and preachers. He is also an adjunct professor of humanities and communications at St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, and leads workshops for clergy and laity in preaching skills and liturgy. Cormier has contributed to many religious journals including America, Worship, and U.S. Catholic and is the author of several books, including previous editions of Waiting in Joyful Hope: Daily Reflections for Advent and Christmas and Not by Bread Alone: Daily Reflections for Lent, published by Liturgical Press.

"There is no such thing as "diaconal" preaching, as distinct from presbyteral or lay preaching. But, as Cormier notes, there is a way in which the distinct experiences of the deacon-as a man of service among the marginalized-should shape his preaching. Using an abundance of clear and simple examples, mostly drawn from his own preaching, Cormier illuminates that way. Cormier shows how the deacon can "pass his life through the fire of thought" in order to speak a relevant word for ordinary folk struggling to make sense of the Gospel in daily life."
Ann M. Garrido, Associate Professor of Homiletics, Aquinas Institute of Theology

"Deacon Cormier has done a commendable job of providing deacons and other preachers with a fine introduction to the ministry of the Word. He avoids simplistic remedies and instead employs solid rhetorical and communication theory in a meaningful and thoroughly accessible fashion, wisely using both sacred and secular sources and examples. Any preacher, novice or veteran, would benefit from attention to Cormier's analyses, suggestions, and exercises. I know I have."
Dr. Richard Stern, Professor of Homiletics, Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology

"What is abundantly clear in The Deacon's Ministry of the Word is that its author, Jay Cormier, not only understands the art of communication but is a gifted communicator. With clarity and conciseness, with bundles of examples and engaging images, he lays out a vision of preaching that is spot on target. What a gift to the preaching community."
Robert F. Morneau, Auxiliary Bishop Emeritus of Green Bay, Pastor of Resurrection Parish

"This is an ideal book, even a handbook, for deacons to use as a resource in improving their preaching of the Word. We can all use this book to take the Gospel message and apply it to our own lives and not be as reluctant to bring others to a better understanding of our faith."
Catholic Library World

"Highly recommended not only for deacons but also for anyone who preaches God's Word."
Pastoral Music

Paperback: $16.96
e-book: $13.99

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Liturgical Press

Table Talk Year A:
Table Talk Book CoverBeginning the Conversation on the Gospel of Matthew [YEAR A]

by Jay Cormier
Jay Cormier’s helpful reflections will serve the needs of many who seek to open up the Gospel of Matthew – the homilist, the catechist, the RCIA team, or individual disciples looking for a companion on their day-to-day journey to Emmaus.  Cormier, editor Connections, follows the pericopes of both the Roman Catholic lectionary and the common lectionary used by many Protestant churches.

“Jay Cormier’s reflections . . . carefully relate the Gospel proclamation to contemporary culture in a warm and pastoral way that is helpful not only for Sunday preachers but also for those who seek to nourish their spiritual lives.”
— Rev. Kevin Seasoltz, O.S.B.
Editor, Worship Magazine

“Table Talk is a gift to individuals and parishes alike.  Grab a coffee and three friends after church and sit down with Jay Cormier’s essay for the week.  Or use it for a whole class.  Or to spark your sermon.  Or just pick it up when you have a minute to yourself, and get another take on the readings you heard last Sunday.”
— The Rev. Barbara Crafton
Episcopal priest and author of The Almost-Daily eMos from the Geranium Farm

Paperback: $16.95

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New City Press

Table Talk Year B:Table Talk B
Beginning the Conversation on the Gospel of Matthew [YEAR B]

by Jay Cormier

Based on his own journey through the lectionary as a writer, teacher and disciple, Jay Cormier brings more than 25 years experience to these reflections on the Sunday readings from the Gospel of Mark.  As in the two previous editions in the Table Talk series, readers will find practical and contemporary applications of each Gospel reading as well as exegetical notes illuminating its background.  Cormier is already an irreplaceable resource for many homilists, catechists, RCIA teams, and individuals who use his insights in their daily work and prayer.  Table Talk follows the pericopes of both the Roman Catholic lectionary and the common lectionary used by many Protestant churches.

“Table Talk offers fresh insights on the Sunday readings.  Jay Cormier has once again found fascinating ‘connections’ between God’s Word and our everyday lives.  This will be a great resource for anyone who wishes to discuss and pray the Scriptures or with others who love the Word.”
— Rev. Daniel E. Harris, C.M.
Associate Professor of Homiletics, The Aquinas Institute

“In stories, incidents, quotations for literature and life, Jay Cormier roots the narratives and sayings of the lectionary Gospel readings in the stuff of daily life, and in the imaginative life of the faithful believer.  These immensely creative and helpful meditations, with their brief and graceful concluding prayers, should prove invaluable to preacher and teacher alike.”
— The Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd
Presbyterian minister and author of Whatever Happened to Delight?: Preaching the Gospel in Poetry and Parable

Paperback: $16.95

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New City Press

by Jay Cormier
Jay Cormier draws upon his 20-plus years’ experience as editor of Connections to cast the Gospel stories in a contemporary setting through a series of reflections that will provoke Table Talk — insightful reflection about God’s Word as it is proclaimed at the table of the Lord. He follows the pericopes of both the Roman Catholic lectionary and the common lectionary used by many Protestant churches.

“God’s word contains multiple layers of meaning. In Jay Cormier’s Table Talk, the reader will find new insights, see connections to real life, and hear a call to a more mature discipleship. Table Talk is more than a simple conversation. It is a call to live the Christian life more fully.”
— Bishop Robert F. Morneau

“In stories, incidents, quotations for literature and life, Jay Cormier roots the narratives and sayings of the lectionary Gospel readings in the stuff of daily life, and in the imaginative life of the faithful believer. From the changing of diapers to a missed exit on the freeway, from a blind date with a young doctor to the hunt for a lost wedding ring at the town dump, he encourages the reader/hearer, in his own words for the First Sunday in Advent, ‘to pay attention and realize the many signs of God’s love in our midst.’ These immensely creative and helpful meditations, with their brief and graceful concluding prayers, should prove invaluable to preacher and teacher alike.”
— The Rev. J. Barrie Shepherd

Paperback: $16.95

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New City Press

by Jay Cormier

With Jesus' preaching and parables as the model for proclaiming the Good News, "Heaven Is Like . . ." demonstrates how a good homily includes the elements of story, connection, and invitation. More than a how-to manual, each chapter includes several sample homilies and practical suggestions and tips for conceiving, writing and preaching the homily. The book discusses body language, attitudes of invitation and welcome, and the many ways -- both verbal and nonverbal -- in which a preacher communicates.

Paperback: $21.00

Order through any bookstore or from:

Rowman & Littlefield